Power Plant
Gujarat - Kutch
Gujarat - Kutch
Gujarat - Kutch
Gujarat - Kutch
Gujarat - Kutch
Gujarat - Kutch
Gujarat - Kutch
Gujarat - Kutch
Gujarat - Kutch
Gujarat eTenders helps business to win tenders, proposal and Bids. The consultancy has huge knowledge in offering tender support services in Gujarat, precisely the planning of award-winning bids and tenders, and has achieved various Rupees millions of businesses. We have remarkable track data in supporting companies to win nprocure tenders in Gujarat.
With our tailor-made details you will be able to know which proposals signify the best opportunity to win, what pricing approaches your competitors use, how many tenders are available in your sector every day and many more information that will give you a unique competitive advantage.
location_on KP Tender Consultant LLP, 404-405, 4th floor, Shaill mall Chimanlal Girdharlal Rd, behind Girish coldrink, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad Gujarat 380009
call (+91) 8320565287
mail_outline [email protected]
schedule Mon - Sat / 9:00AM - 7:00PM